Friday, October 12, 2007

World's Pickiest Eater!

I need Help! Seriously! Savannah is becoming such a picky eater. I am running out of things to give her, and Ideas. Every thing new I give her gets spit out. Even her old favorites are no longer favorites. She goes around all day asking for food, but rarely eats what is put in front of her. When she does actually eat something, she seems to get bored with it very quickly. Please let me know if you have any ideas. They will be much appreciated.


Erika said...

Mariska kinda did this... she would eat very small amounts about a thousand times a day. If I were you I would make sure meal time is VERY structured, having her eat ONLY when she is in her high chair. (no snacking at the couch, ect..) But only feed her when she is REALLY hungry, if she won't eat, put her down and make her wait a good while... she'll get the hint after a few times that she eats when she's in her chair or she goes hungry. It took Mariska 2 days to figure it out... when it comes to the actual food you give her... We offer one thing that may be new and if she won't eat it we give her something we know she'll probably eat, like spaghetti and if she won't eat that one then she gets taken out of her chair again for a while... when you put her back in later, offer the same two things, and repeat until she gets the idea. They say you should offer new foods a minimum of 10 times... as hard as it may be, Mariska was ASKING for brocoli at dinner the other night after a long time of spitting it out... also, be really enthusiastic about the veggies and such. We do cheers and eat them really happily in front of her to show her how good they are... GOOD LUCK!! Remember, consistancy is the most important part in changing behavior. Any questions give me a call or email!!