Sunday, October 28, 2007

It's my Party...

Since our ward didn't have a Halloween Party, we decided to throw one for the kids in our ward. It was Fun. We did a pinata. Since Savannah Was the youngest, she got to go first. She caught on immmediately.
We also Bobbed for apples, Which Savannah Tried to Bathe in. We played the donut on a string game. Who could pass up Krispy Kremes. And Carved Pumpkins.
Everyone dressed up. And Hopefully had a great time. ( I made the red Vampire Dress)
Its my party and I'll Snooze if Iwant to.


Erika said...

wow, looks like fun... you're really lucky she'll sleep. Mariska HAS to be in bed with the lights out, she won't even sleep in the car!

Amber said...

Fun idea! How many kids are in your primary? We have about 100, so I'll not be doing that!

Amber said...

Oh, yeah ~ it's nice to finally see some pics of Juris!

Budenieks Family said...

WE Have about sixty includeing Nursery. only about half showed. 100? Realy?Thats Utah For ya. J/k Yea Mom and Dad Have Been complaining about that too. I guess were a little camera shy

Jess said...

How kewl of you all to be the "Party Throwers." for the ward.

Thats funny she tried to "Dive Into" the water!

Our ward is doing the "Trunk or Treating" we'll see how that goes with a 1yr old Ducky!

Thanx so much for all your help on this blogging thing. Its so confusing.

I love how most everyone has a "Family and Friend" list. Makes it easy to just click on everyones links!