Tuesday, November 27, 2007

No Tag Backs!

Okay! Okay! I know it has taken me a while to post this, but I guess I found it a lot harder than others. I guess I figured everyone in my Family already knew my business, so it was hard trying to find things people wouldn't know. Look out for number five! Its a real Shocker! No Scrolling Down Allowed!

One-I knew the night I met Juris that we were going to be Married. That night I had a dream where we were walking out of the Salt Lake Temple After being Sealed. And I Heard A voice in my dream Say, " I told you to be patient." From then I never had a doubt in my mind. And fought hard for it ever since.

Two-Juris and I have painstakingly suffered through six miscarriages. They sure don't get any easier. And then were blessed with the love of our lives, Savannah Aileen. We have been trying for another for about nine months now to no avail. But No pregnancies mean no miscarriages. We have come to the realization that it just might not happen again for us. Although it saddens us that we might not get a Shuyler Ailyanna, Or a Jack Devlin, We Have been so blessed to have Bugg! And will spoil her rotten.

Three- I am obsessed with Tattoo's And have always wanted to be a tattoo artist. I think that is why I was always Drawing on myself. I Just love the rawness of the drawing. And I love Shows like LA ink And Miami Ink. I also think it ties together with my love of Comic Books and Super heroes. I just love the sharpness the ink drawings.

Four-Juris and I are major Foodies! We love food(including the dreaded bell pepper!)
We love eating and cooking/baking. And are always up for trying new things. And Always have the food network on. We love finding unique recipes and making them our own. Juris secretly wants to go to culinary school.

Five- Here's the shocker! I don't hate my older sister AMBER. I never have. I Just hated being compared to her. In fact, I Admire her. I cant even imagine the kind of strength she has. I struggle with my one child. I know this maybe hard for some of you to believe, But it true. Although I still hold a slight grudge to her for jabbing those talons in my shoulder repeatedly, until I had to punch her. Which in turn got ME grounded. Nothing happened to her, even though she started it! Whatever! Forgive and forget, eh? Bitter? No, Not at all. In fact, I hate the awkwardness that we always seem to have.Why is that?

I hope this was enlightening to you all, And like I said , NO TAG BACKS


Erika said...

Tatoos! Ew, the thing that makes me not like tatoos is picturing what it'll look like when the person is 70. Brent is the cook in our family. We are both all over eating and trying new foods, but he's the chef, he would have loved to go to culinary school too. When it came to getting physical, she did start it, I remember...

Budenieks Family said...

I dont think I would ever get a tattoo, I just like the way they look. I cant even get my blood drawn let alone have needles stabbing me for hours. And tanks for backing me up!;-)

Matt and Brooke said...

I have always wanted a tattoo. However, the only reason why I didn't get one in my trouble days is because of the thought of being out. Old tattoos are gross

Amber said...

Tattos? Classy...

Erika said...

Matt- the only reason you didn't get one in your trouble days was the thought of being out? What does that mean? Is that some slang I don't know about?
Sarah- You can't get blood drawn?! Wimp, I'm awesome, our savings was built on our "donating" (selling) our plasma twice a week, using those huge needles, I even have a cool scar from it.
And Amber started the physical stuff, but remember technically you started the initial fight!! ;)

Budenieks Family said...

Yea, Matt! What does that mean?

And Amber, I may not be the classy one of the bunch, But at least... Yea, I got Nothing. Im not classy! So what!

Erika- If I remember right you sided with her then, too. Not to mention your contradicting yourself. Make-up your mind! Whose side are you on? Just Kidding!

Erika said...

Oh please, you know I didn't "side with her" then, you had me wrapped around your finger so tight back then that would have never happened! What does it even have to do with anything, wasn't this like 12 years ago? I didn't contradict myself, technically the issue of the arguement was started by you, and Amber technically got physical first... just so there's no confusion and everyone is clear. "Can't we all just get along?!"
And I started to really wonder what the word classy meant, so I googled it and found this... I thought it was really funny...

Jess said...

I never knew ANY of these. So thats good we all did!

Thats so kewl about you & Juris cookin' together. Nathan has acctually had to teach me a few things. So thats nice you're both into it.

So I totally admire your sewing & cooking! The food Channel....maybe I'll watch that sometime!

Budenieks Family said...

I sorry I brought up the fight. It was a joke. Like I really still care about that. Just giving everyone a hard time is all.
And Erika- I guess the feeling was mutual. You had me at Oh, Please. I would have done anything for you back then. Still would.

Amber said...

That's a great article, Erika...I need to be better at how I talk. I always make my kids say yes instead of yeah...but I always say it. I guess there's always room for improvement for all of us!Thanks!

Erika said...

I especially thought the title was hilarious... I need to work on the clothes and nails stuff, but without money, maintaining clothes is a bit harder. I just love the idea of some white trash, ghetto person actually looking it up and reading all of these things and thinking "ooohh!! I see!"